Friday, December 27, 2013

Beginning to End

Holidays seem to always be a good inspiration for starting something new, so why not begin writing a blog? Ideas, thoughts, opinions, dreams... It's all part of the package. So, why not share my ideas with the thousands of you that are just waiting impatiently to read this. 

My biggest passion in life is reading. Yeah, sounds boring right? I suppose it would be for super fun people who have exciting lives, or people who are too busy to sit down, hardly read a book. Although I don't believe that to be true, entirely. It would suggest that only boring people read, which would hardly be doing anyone any service. What I mean is, at least in my experience so far, when I tell people I love books, especially romance, historical, erotic novels, they look at me like I've gone crazy. Because, by god, the only books in their opinion that are worth reading are the magnificent classics like, Dostoevsky, Shakespeare, Goethe, and so on. Not that I don't also love classics, but they don't make my life as exhilarating as the books mentioned before. They bring me along into a world that's wonderful and I follow stories that make me want to never put the book down. For a moment in time I forget about everything and become immersed in the worlds that some expert authors have come up with.

I've always envied writers, probably because I've always wanted to be one, but never really had the talent for it. I would love to talk to a writer and have them tell me how they wrote at least one of their books, how the process went, when they first thought up the characters, the story line, everything. I'm like that, I like going into the details. And I always like finding out new information and starting something new.

When you start reading a book, especially one you've waited for a while to read, you are enthusiastic, you cannot stop reading, the story line captivates you entirely. When you're near the end of the book you sometimes think how you don't want it to end. But it'a a process, and no matter how sad you are that you've finished a book, just think about the fact that now you have in your mind that story, and if it was a particularly wonderful book, you will never forget it. And, trust me, the next time you read it, it won't be the same, it will be a different experience.

So, I will regale you with my insights as often as I can and in the meantime, find a wonderful book to read, winter is perfect for that!