Thursday, January 2, 2014

Plans and surprises

   Happy New Year! A bit late, but it still counts. I’m not all that huge a fan of celebrations and parties, so I mostly like to spend the New Year with close friends or family. I tried to spend the New Year, a couple of years ago, at a club and I didn't really enjoy it much. Each to his own, I guess. The other thing I kind of gave up on was New Year's resolutions. I mostly gave up on making them, because I’m just not the type of person who plans and manages my whole life. Hell, I don’t even plan my whole week in advance. I’m really enthusiastic about making plans, but after a couple of days I mostly give up or change them. Not to say that I’m a lazy person who doesn't achieve anything. I like working and having some goals to achieve, it’s just, I’m better with planning in the short term, rather than in the long term.

   I've actually changed many of my outlooks on life in the recent years. I suppose it comes with age. Not that I’m old, the fact is, I believe we develop and change our beliefs and wishes year through year, not just when we’re in our thirties or forties. My dad has this thing he says to me whenever we are discussing something. If I have a valid point and he sees that he would have to admit it, he tells me: ‘’I wasn't born at the age of sixty’’. What he means by this is, I’m right, because I’m older than you, therefore, you can’t possibly be correct. Now, it’s not like he never listens to me, it’s just sometimes when he feels threatened, he uses his favorite saying. When I was younger I used to get really mad about it, mostly since it wasn't true. Just because someone is older than you, doesn't mean he is wiser. Yes, he has more knowledge about life.  Then again, there are many younger people who have been through so many things in their life. They've lived through things people never experience. I also don’t agree with my dad, because, yes he’s older, but he grew up in a different time and age, and I believe I could understand and solve some things better than he ever could. Nowadays, I don’t bother with getting annoyed when he says that to me, it’s just his way of thinking.

   So, I suppose you could say I've matured, which I hope is true. I've also started going to yoga, so that’s something I've never done before. Hopefully, I will keep at it in this New Year. For me, it’s wonderful, since I get stressed out easily and I have a bad temper, so the yoga exercises really calm me down. I hope every one of you finds something new to experience in 2014, I hope you manage to achieve all your resolutions, and if you don’t have any, then enjoy every day and wait for the surprises to come!
